Someday, this will be the page where I display the books I’ve written. Their time has not yet come. But while the book-sized stories are in process, I’ve got other ways to be at your service with these bits and pieces that circle my heart, soul, and mind. Core thoughts and concerns that have been doing that for years and years. Not all of these will become books, but they’re topics and themes that continually pop up in my writing and in conversations with friends and strangers. Topics that always have me saving a seat on the porch for a longer conversation. One that might extend into a weekend or possibly over a lifetime.

There’s a good chance you’ve come to this page because you and I fell into one of those conversations and I invited you here for more. So, before all those not-yet-completed books start cluttering up this page, this is where you can find follow-up information on…

Let’s Dance

Ballroom dance partnership principles for a more grace-filled marriage

Soul SiSterS

The mother/daughter starter pack (great for grandmas, too!)


Exploring the role our fearfully, wonderfully made brains play in our physical, mental and emotional health and what can change when we actively take our own thoughts captive for obedience to Christ.

Racial & Political Discourse

Resources for healing our fractured racial, religious, and political communities.

The Writing Life

Resources for writers and other artists

If you don't find the information you were looking for, feel free to drop me a message and I'll see what I can do to point you in the right direction. I look forward to continuing the conversation!

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