Racial and Political Discourse
Resources for healing our fractured racial, religious, and political communities
I think if I were to have a political slogan it would be Stories Not Slogans! I realize this carries with it a certain irony. It’s just that I think learning the stories behind the beliefs of the people on the other side of those lines we draw (or other people draw for us?) gives us a better chance of nudging the story of America in a positive direction than firing slogans at them.
So, I came up with a simple idea. My husband and I tried it out and I was both encouraged and surprised by the results. It’s something you might want to try, too.
It doesn’t matter which side of an issue you stand on, you only need three things:
- Someone you love, respect, or like who cares about that issue, too, and stands on the other side (I do hope there are still people like this in your life!).
- An hour to spend with that person (face-to-face over a meal you buy or make for them is best but may not be possible for various reasons. That’s what Zoom is for, right?).
- A bit of self-control (courage and hope are also recommended)
If you can check off those three qualifications and are curious about my idea, I’m happy to share it with you. Just write an email and put Stories, Not Slogans! in the subject line and I’ll send it gently your way.