I met the delightful Susie Crosby in a Laura Christianson course in June of 2021. A short time later, I was excited to get her one word devotions delivered to my inbox. This week Susie kindly agreed to let me share this example post with you. I believe you will be blessed to see how she digs into the word “Answer.” (This post first appeared on Just One Word)
Keyword answer (verb): to speak or write in reply; to act in response to
At that time, when you call, the Lord will answer; when you cry out, he will say, “Here I am.” Isaiah 58:9 CSB
Please pick up, please pick up!
The engine light was flashing on my dashboard. I was on my way home from work, and it was starting to get dark. I kept calling my husband’s number, but there was no answer. I pulled over to the side of the busy road to figure out what to do. I continued to call him as I read the manual, searched on my phone for what to do when an engine light is flashing in an eighteen-year-old car, and texted a couple of my friends for moral support.
I was starting to feel scared, alone, and frustrated by the whole situation. Feelings of insignificance teased through my heart and mind. Even though I am completely confident in my husband’s love for me, I was starting to wonder if he would even notice that I was unusually late getting home. Would he realize that he should check on me?
It wasn’t long before he called me very concerned and apologetic for not hearing his phone while he was mowing the lawn. He talked me through my tentative drive home, ready to come get me at the first sign of trouble. I was instantly reassured by his caring response.
We all need help sometimes. We might find ourselves in a broken-down car, a broken-down body, a broken-down relationship, or a broken-down spirit.
And we desperately want someone to answer our call.
That’s what we can count on with Jesus. He promises that when we call on him, he will answer.
He is available all day and night–constantly watching over us, always thinking about us and listening for our call. We never have to worry that he might not hear us or that he might not answer. We can be completely confident that he will.
What makes this promise even more meaningful are the words he answers with.
Jesus reassures us that when we cry out he will say, “Here I am.”
Here I am.
I’m right here with you in your brokenness and need. I’m right here giving you the peace and hope of my Spirit. I’m right here holding you close in your panic and your grief. I’m right here taking care of you because you matter more than anything to me.
We get to be loved and listened to by the God of the universe.
Even if we don’t see or hear an answer right away.
Even when the answer is not the one we wanted.
Even when we feel like no one is listening.
God is.
He is the only one who is never too busy for us.
He is the only one who can give us exactly what we need.
He is the only one who never loses his phone.
And he will always pick up.
Dear Jesus, you are so constant and faithful. I love knowing that you always hear my cries for help. Thank you for answering me every time I call. Amen.
If you love this one word devotion from Susie and want more of the same, sign up here (and a get a free gift, too!).
I am currently reviewing a Women’s Bible Study on the story of Moses in Exodus I created for our Mission’s trip to Ensenada Mexico. We run a vacation Bible School for a week, which includes lessons for children based on our daily drama with all kinds of crafts and fun activities. I am responsible for creating content to be taught at 2 different church sites to the women who come with their children right after we all watch the drama. I also direct the drama at my site. Everything is in Spanish.
Most of the women who attend are already Christians. But, we have learned to bribe the children into bringing their moms so we can share the gospel with them.
We are always excited to see both women and children giving their hearts to Jesus as they learn about how He has an answer to all our life issues.
I love how your story is about the faithfulness of God to answer us. For the Hebrews in Exodus, it took about 430 years for God to respond and rescue His people in mighty ways. And then, He used the examples of this true story to remind His people about who He is and to have special yearly celebrations. Much later, Jesus became the Passover Lamb for us and made a way for us to be able to restore our relationship with the Father.
I thank you Susie for your story and may the Lord give clarity of mind and focus so that Jody can finish her novel.
Thank you for sharing about the ways you get to serve in Mexico, Michelle! I’m glad I got to introduce you to Susie, too : )
Another blessing as a Christian God is always listening.
Yes, and Amen, Kathy! What a wonderful reminder on this early morning in a quiet house when it’s easy to think no one is listening. How sweet to know that you and I are both awake and turning our thoughts to the one who always hears.